Adventure Awaits!

admin / November 18, 2017

Where in the world are we?  Well, not surprisingly, we are at home in North Tustin.  Not a bad place to be.  We’ve got a lot to be thankful for here.  Family, friends, church, school, work that we love, two sweet kitties, and lots more, too.  But, adventure is in our future!

In only sixty five days, we will leave with our two grandchildren, Camden and Kloee, for a grand trip around the world aboard the Pacific Princess.  We will be busy with seeing the sights, enjoying the trip homeschooling, keeping up with work (Charles) and just taking it all in.  We get more excited every day.

Come along with us as we head west around the world!




5 thoughts on “Adventure Awaits!

  1. Charles, et al: have a wonderful time….Can wait to see and hear all the great stories and adventures. What a fantastic thing that you are doing for your family. Those girls will learn more than they ever would sitting in a classroom. Looking forward to following you on your around the world adventure! ~ Patty B.

    1. Thank you Patty. You are correct – the grand kids are learning a lot. Today they created circuits from a battery and then made a shade for their “lamps”. We have received offers of assistance from a former school psychologist (hah!) and amateur astronomer (show us the lunar eclipse and Southern Cross, etc).

      It was certainly a lot of work getting on board (see my wife’s blog post), but it has been worth it. We’re having a great time – good food, working part time (me), and relaxing.


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