We are now officially south of the Equator, that imaginary line around the earth. Sailors have historically made a great celebration of this crossing. If you have not crossed the Equator by ship before, you are known as a “polliwog”, and after your first crossing you are forever known as a “shellback”.
The Crowder crew had already attained the exalted “shellback” title on a crossing from Tahiti to Los Angeles a few years back so we were spared some of the excitement that comes to first-timers. The whole silly ritual involves a tribute to King Neptune, bidding his favor as we cross into another hemisphere and asking him to accept the new shellbacks into the fellowship. Representatives of the polliwogs, now shellbacks, are supposed to kiss a fish and perform other silly, but harmless initiation rituals, all in good fun. Sometimes, but not this time, some officers get thrown in the pool.
A good time was had by all.