A (practically) perfect day in Kotor Montenegro

admin / April 2, 2018

Our first stop in Eastern Europe was in the port city of Kotor Montenegro.  We were greeted by beautiful weather, and a friendly guide.  Our guide drove us around the area from Kotor, around some mostly-mountainous roads to the old city of Budva.

In Budva, we stopped at a restaurant along the beach to enjoy refreshments.  The beach was nearly empty, the sun was out, and we just took deep breaths and reveled in the whole experience.  The girls got to explore the beach for a few minutes.  It was one of those almost-magical times, when everything seems to be just right.  Perfect relaxation….          
After our break on the beach, we had time to explore the old city of Budva.  It is filled with narrow pedestrian streets, which make abrupt twists and turns. It is almost like walking through a giant maze.  This style of civic design had several purposes.  The buildings stay cool, because the walls are usually in the shade of the nearby structures.  The narrow, winding streets also made it difficult for pirates to raid the city because they couldn’t easily find their way out of the maze-like town once they got in.
After our guide dropped us off back at the port, we had a delightful lunch in an open-air restaurant, and wandered around Kotor, which is similar to Budva.
It was a fantastic day, and we all enjoyed it.

1 thought on “A (practically) perfect day in Kotor Montenegro

  1. Oh how happy the girls are! Wonderful updates and pictures!! Thank you Linda. So glad you are having a grand time. God bless you all.

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